Not many people get through life without experiencing burnout at some point. Whether it’s from working more than one job, taking care of a sick loved one, or juggling family life while going back to school, burnout is real, and it negatively impacts your life and health. Common Signs of Burnout If you think you […]
10 Relaxation Tips for Busy Professionals
Does your career often leave you feeling stressed? If so, you’re not alone. According to statistics published by the American Institute of Stress, 40% of workers reported that their job was very or extremely stressful, and 25% viewed their job as the No. 1 stressor in their life. And because stress can make it difficult […]
Why Does Exercise Reduce Stress?
If you’re looking for a way to relieve stress, you’ll want to consider incorporating exercise into your daily routine (with a doctor’s approval). Exercise is renowned for being an excellent stress reliever, but how exactly does it affect stress levels? Exercise can: Increase endorphin production – Your pituitary gland and hypothalamus produce endorphins, hormones that […]
30 Common Signs of Stress
Stress is a reaction that occurs when someone feels pressured or threatened, and while some amount of stress can energize you and motivate you to complete tasks, too much of it can negatively your mental and physical health. Even if you regularly experience stress, you may be unaware of the numerous ways in which it […]
Managing Stress: 5 Effective Strategies
Did you know that chronic stress can have serious consequences on your health? It’s true—stress can make it difficult to sleep, weaken your immune system, and lead to other problems like heart attacks, strokes, anxiety, and depression. Plus, stress can cause irritability, lack of motivation, and difficulty concentrating, thereby negatively impacting your work and personal […]
How to Cope with the Stress of Inflation
Unless you’ve been living under a proverbial rock, you no doubt are aware that inflation is the highest it’s been in decades. From gas at the pumps to food and utilities, most of us are struggling to make ends meet. And without question, this is causing massive stress. If you are feeling intense stress from […]
The Three Types of Stress
Stress is a normal part of life. And a little bit of stress can actually be a good thing. For instance, when we lift weights, we are stressing our muscles, helping them to become bigger and stronger. Similarly, little bits of mental stress can help us become more skilled and resilient. But too much of […]
Stress’s Physiological Impact on the Body
The old saying goes, “Into every life a little rain must fall.” Stress is like rain. A little of it can be a good thing. But too much can cause havoc and devastation. Our bodies are designed to handle a little bit of acute or sudden stress. But when stress is prolonged or becomes chronic, […]
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